Tuesday 25 November 2014

Final piece 1 'Illusion' Photograph

My first final piece is a simple one, and not originally intended.

It comes from the work I did by distorting CD's with a heat gun. I took an every day, found object of CDs and placed them together in a way that lost their original purpose. I distorted them creating a highly aesthetic texture surface. Their original purpose has been lost and instead they become an object of desire.

I photographed them capturing the light and colour at the right intensity before Photoshopping the best picture, using 'spot healing brush' to perfect the image. This works to create a sense of awe about the object as it is so visually immersive.

A photograph in itself is an illusion. The actual reality of the CDs as they appear to the human eye in real life does not capture the colour intensity that a photograph can. By using this medium I am able to enlarge the image showing the viewer something that might not actually be there if they were to look at the real piece. This goes back to the sense of 'thereness'. Is it really there because we can't see this like it is shown in a photograph when you look at the original in reality, but by creating this piece I have brought it into reality and therefore it exists.

You could say, the act of photography and photoshop was the process in which I had enhanced the every day object to become something extraordinary and awe-inspiring. The power of the object here is that is captivates the viewers attention.

Peer feedback: Why don't I have this in the form of a digital projection rather than a 2d photograph. This would further enhance this connection with thereness and what is really there.

This is a very good idea and I will look into projecting this image onto the wall in my studio space if possible. 

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